Amiga OS 3.2.1 Installation in WinUAE
Prepare CF Disk Clean Connect the CF card to the PC. Click on the Windows icon (bottom left of the desktop) and then write "cmd" and run it as Administrator In the Command Prompt window that opens up type “diskpart” and press return. You will see that the usual C:\ prompt has now changed to DISKPART>. Now type “list disk”. You will be presented with a list of all the drives on your system. Locate the CF drive in the list. Type “select disk #” and replace the # with the drive number for your CF drive. Now type “clean”. All formatting info will be wiped from that drive. Close the Command Prompt window at this point. Partition Go to your install of WinUAE and right click the icon and select Run as Administrator. Go to the Floppy drives section and add your Workbench Install ADF image to DF0. Go to the CD & Hard Drives section and click on "Add Hard Drive". Make sure the CF card is connected to your reader and select the Hard Drive drop down menu and select your...